Is it Worth Hiring A Professional Photographer When You Can Take Photos By Yourself?

I’ve had this blog post on my mind for a while now and today I finally found the time to write it (if you are mum of a two year old you know what I mean 😉 ) and the courage to write it.

Today I’m asking – Is it worth hiring a professional photographer if you can take Your own photos?

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Due to growing advancement of technology more of the general public than ever before have access to the latest dslr cameras and our smartphones have better cameras which allows to take snaps at any time of the day and for free! So, why would anyone want to pay a professional?

There are a lot of reason why one would WANT to and I will be sharing them with you today.

Either you agree or disagree with my point of view , I’m looking forward to seeing your input in the comments!

So, let’s have a look. I prepared few numbers to illustrate why I believe hiring professional photographer is the best thing to do:

  1. Even though, professional equipment is easily accessibly to lots of people these days, it’s not the gear that takes the images (and who would spend £2000 on camera and thousands of pounds on lenses anyway if You wouldn’t know how to use it. It’s like buying a Porsche without a driving license if you ask me 😉 ) It takes years and a lot of hard work to gain photographic knowledge,skill and expertise. Photographers are always learning new techniques to deliver the best possible images for You. It is a myth that a photographer is just pressing the button .There is much more to it than this. Most professional photographers shoot in manual mode which requires knowledge not only of the gear they are using but also about the exposure triangle , which basically means they need to know how ISO, exposure and shutter speed apply to the existing light and to the effect they want to achieve. So Your photos are bright but not over or underexposed, everyone is in focus and tack sharp ( no one wants blurry pictures imagine that on your wall!),ensuring the surroundings compliment the photo but background doesn’t take over of the focus of your family portraits.
  2. If you take photos of your family by yourself there is always going to be someone left out. Someone has to press the shutter, right? You can try to set up the timer but it’s going be extra hard for You to make sure everyone is looking and is in focus.
  3. Professional photographers pre plan their session with you. They go through details such as what type and what colours of clothes to wear so the chosen location (or studio set up) are complimenting each other. If the photographer is using props that requires further planning. Attention to detail and creative eyes are necessary to create beautiful images.
  4. Post processing. Oh this one is a biggie. A professional photographer has invested in professional software (and numerous training excersises) to enhance your photos. Exposure, colours, crop etc.Everything needs to be perfect, editing is a lengthy process especially when it comes to families and newborns (I’m going write a post about before&after with newborn pictures so it gives you an idea).
  5. Professional photography is an investment. The photos you receive should make you feel proud and appreciative. Let me put it this way. If you are a woman like me , I’m sure you go to a hair salon to have your hair coloured & cut by a professional. Could you do it by yourself? Well,of course you could, we can buy hair dyes in high street shops and professional scissors easily. But would You risk it?If you did I hope your hair looked amazing but unfortunately I’m sure the rest of the women who tried get professional results at home were calling their hairdresser the same day to book appointment to fix it. What about a nail technician? Do You pay professional to have shellac done or you doing it all by yourself? 🙂 I could go on. Also how nice it is to treat yourself to see a professional hairdresser/beautician instead of doing these things by yourself?We choose professionals because well…they are specialists in what they are doing. Professional photography it’s an investment for what you receive beautiful images of your loved ones to cherish for a lifetime.
  6. It takes me to the next point which should exist in photographs. Yes, we take snaps everyday with your phone but are those photos going to be seen by next generation in your family?Or will they just sit on your sd card, on your tablet? Professional photography is a gift of love for yourself (something like a new haircut if you like this metaphor 😉 ) , it should make you feel proud and happy, it’s a gift for your family, the people who are most important in your life.

In the world we live in today, where the time moves so quickly ,take a moment to celebrate and appreciate what you have. Your beautiful family / children /partner with all the little imperfection they might have, choose today to remember them exactly the way they are. It’s time to focus on You and invest in who you love.

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And remember to have fun while creating beautiful photos, it’s a wonderful adventure and photography is such a powerful thing in our lives.

Message me if you have any questions HERE. Looking forward to hearing from You 🙂




Celebrating Your Baby’s First Birthday with a Cake Smash!

Recently I photographed outdoor birthday cake smash and … I loved it! It was as fun as I thought is going to be !

Ellie, who celebrated her first birthday with the cake smash was a super star during her photo session:)

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Before the session, we have planned the colors of Ellie’s dress and set up to coordinate with the cake and location (I’m going to blog about the importance of colours during the session in the next blog).

With a little bit of planning the results were lovely and Ellie was enjoying her little party 🙂

Aylesbury Bucks kids photographer

Aylesbury childen photographer

Children photographer Aylesbury,Buckinghamshire

If your child  is crawling or walking before first birthday outdoor cake smash is perfect for photo shoot. Your baby won’t feel restricted by the space and the beautiful location we choose (in Aylesbury ) will keep them interested throughout the session.

Aylesbury Bucks kids photographer

Bucks children photographer

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A gift- collage

If you are looking for a Children’s Photographer in Aylesbury make sure to contact me HERE. Looking forward to hearing from You 🙂 X

~ Paulina




Boost Your child’s self esteem with Family Portraits

Being a photographer  (and most importantly a mum) I naturally have hundreds of photos of my little girl and my family. The reason is simple I love them and want to have as many great memories of them as I can. I’m constantly placing photos of them in my house and feel happy seeing their faces from x time ago or when they are not around me. It makes me happy and I love to reminisce.

Family photographer Aylesbury, Bucks


They are the most important people in my life and I feel they deserve the best. Always. This is why I always find a time to photograph them in my busy schedule.

As a mum I want my daughter to grow up being happy and confident. Don’t we all want the best for our kids?

I have photos of my daughter and our family displayed around house. I’ve noticed since an early age she would stop by the pictures and point at herself, me or her dad.

I’ve done a little research and found that Displayed family photos are an effective way to reinforce your child’s self-image and self-confidence.Visual reminders of family events, everyday activities are proof-positive that a child has a place in life and relationships with others.

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“It’s important not only to be photographed in ways that indicate caring, nurturing, love and success, but also to see those images and take them in,” explains Krauss, co-author with Jerry Fryrear of “Photo Therapy and Mental Health.”

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This licensed psychologist from Cleveland says that using clients family albums in therapy with children helps them to gain clear vision of growth and change.

Dr Krauss finds that family photographs are very appealing to children  “What it says to a child is, ‘I’m important in this family.’ ” It also shows a child he or she is meaningfully connected to others in the pictures. Favourite photos in a child’s room can enhance the feeling of safety, or offer stimulation. ”


By now You probably understand how important is to have Your Family Portraits not only for lifetime memories but for helping Your child to see themselves as an important part of the family.

Moreover ,the most positive impact for your children are not the digital images you have in drawer on usb , cd or on your tablet. As much as it’s nice to have them for yourself to share on social media they don’t have as big an impact on your child’s development, Dr Krauss says “My bias is very simple. I think they (family photographs) should be on the wall,” 

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He also adds “I am very conservative about self-esteem and I think placing a family photo someplace in the home where the child can see it every day without having to turn on a device or click around on a computer to find it really hits home for that child this sense of reassurance and comfort. They have a certainty about them and a protecting quality that nurtures a child. It let’s them know where they are in the pecking order and that they are loved and cared for,”says Krauss.

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Another way to boost Your child’s self esteem is to place two photographs next to You child’s bed. One should show a joyful moment in which child is engaged in activity like riding a bike. The other picture should be Family Portrait.

Stephanie Marston , child’s psychologist in  “The Magic of Encouragement” (Morrow, 1990) explains that “Research has shown the 30-minute time period just before bed is when children are more receptive and listen and absorb more than any other time. Put photos of your kids being capable and loved next to their beds,” she says, “and these positive images are likely to be the last thing they see before they sleep and the first thing they see when they awaken.”

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By displaying photos in your house You are showing your children that they are a part of family unit, you are helping them to build they confidence as they see themselves as a valued and important part of Your family.

There has been a lot of research done on this subject so please let me know if You have anything You would like to add. Or maybe You have a story about how Your children reacted to seeing themselves on the family portraits? 🙂

Feel free to contact me by clicking here






*My inspiration for this post came from following

tribunedigital-baltimoresun. (1997). Kids’ self-esteem can be enhanced by photographs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jun. 2016].

tribunedigital-baltimoresun. (1997). Kids’ self-esteem can be enhanced by photographs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jun. 2016].





Baby session at Paulina Szot Photography in Aylesbury

Recently I photographed gorgeous baby Ella!

baby photo studio in Aylesbury

She has learned to sit unaided and this is the best time to capture your baby’s next milestone after newborn session.

Photo baby studio Aylesbury

Babies at this age are very inquisitive and enjoy looking at things from a new perspective 🙂 I love to make them smile too 🙂

Baby photographer Bucks

Professional photographer in Buckinghamshire

Baby photo studio Aylesbury

At this age you are going to be amazed how much your child grew and changed since they were born.

children photos studio

Baby photographer in Aylesbury

If your baby can sit unaided why not capture this time for you to remember forever?

Watch my short video to the end to get my special June offer for a baby session at Paulina Szot Photography 🙂

Contact me here to chat&book 🙂





Why nobody is doing new photos every year?


*Visit my WEBSITE to see more!*

children portraiture photographyI was looking at photos of my little girl (who is turning two next month!!) and thought this – why is nobody doing new photos every year?

If YOU are a mum like me , You know how time can fly by and how quick YOUR children grow.

I took these photos exactly a year apart , can You see a difference?

On the top picture she is only 12 months old and she won’t remember it but when she will be grown up I can show her how much she has changed.

I will be able to show her how she looked happy, grumpy or how her face looked when she was deep in thought 🙂

baby photos Aylesbury

children photos Aylesbury
My little girl grew and changed so much! I’m planning to do the same photos every year when the bluebells are out to make it special for her. Because childhood is a very special time in their and our lives it would be so sad to miss the opportunity to
document it. Don’t YOU agree?

studio photos Aylesbury

Before You go, I want to remind You of my latest offer for this special location shoot!I have only few spots left so contact me today to secure your date!

Bluebells Buckinghamshire

Hit comment below or you can always EMAIL ME HERE for more information.

Feel free to share my blog with your friends &family too!



Children photographer in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

Make sure to visit my website HERE and like my FB page HERE

Childhood is such a magical time in your child’s life, I want to capture this MAGIC for you and them 🙂

“Always keep that little place where the magic grows inside of YOU, alive.” Unknown

Baby boy outdoor session in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

I love outdoor photography, being a mum myself I know how important it is to create a fun atmosphere for kids to ensure they are comfortable during our session……and which children don’t like to run around smiling and giggling? The most beautiful pictures are the ones that happen naturally ALLOWING your child’s personality TO SHINE THROUGH. No fake smiles or stiff poses 🙂

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Just real fun for you and your children 🙂 That’s all we need to create magical, pure and unique photographs for you and your children 🙂

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Isn’t George a real heart breaker? 🙂

Contact me HERE to talk about Your session. Looking forward to hearing from You! 🙂




Newborn photography in Aylesbury

I had a pleasure to photograph this beautiful baby girl a while ago but haven’t had a chance to blog about the session. Megan was 10 days old at the day of her session and was as good as you can be.


Newborn baby photography Aylesbury

I love this picture she looks like she is asleep on the fluffy cloud!

When it comes to photographing newborns I also love to capture those tiny details so parents can remember how tiny they were.

Details newborn Bucks

But never can’t decide if I prefer color or b&w version.

Details baby Aylesbury

Aylesbury baby details

Newborn photo Aylesbury

Newborn photographer Aylesbury.jpgAnd my favourite way to finish the newborn session is by photographing mum with her precious baby! LOVE!!!

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If you interested in booking your newborn session with me you can contact me by clicking on here CONTACT ME. If you like to follow my latest work and offers please go and like my Facebook page HERE.

